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Universitatea din Pitesti organizeaza Conferinta internationala: Istorie, Cultura, Cetatenie in Uniunea Europeana

  Publicat: 18 May 2014       12284 citiri       Sursa: EuroAvocatura.ro  

1. Din punctul de vedere al drepului civil, dreptul de dispozitie este alcatuit din dreptul de dispozitie materiala si dreptul de dispizitie juridica.
Legatura politica si juridica permanenta dintre persoana fizica si stat,
Alaturat va punem la dispozitie programul Conferintei stiintifice internationale cu tema Istorie, Cultura, Cetatenie in Uniunea Europeana, care se va desfasura in perioada 23-24 mai 2014, precum si conditiile de participare.

Termen folosit in t. VIII, art. 145, C. pen., partea generala, prin el intelegandu-se tot ce priveste autoritatile publice,
Termen folosit in t. VIII, art. 145, C. pen., partea generala, prin el intelegandu-se tot ce priveste autoritatile publice,

International Scientific Conference HISTORY, CULTURE, CITIZENSHIP IN THE EUROPEAN UNION - 7th Edition, 23-24 May 2014


1) Private Law
Conference secretary- Asistant Ph.D Ramona DUMINICA- University of Pitesti ([email protected])
2) Public Law
Conference Secretary- Assistant Ph.D. Andra PURAN- University of Pitesti ([email protected])

Professor Ph.D. Dr. h.c. mult. BogusAa��aw BANASZAK- University of WrocAa��aw, Poland
Professor Ph.D. Dr. h.c. mult. Heribert Franz KOCK- UniversitAA�t Johannes Kepler Linz, Austria
Professor Ph.D. Dr. h.c. mult. Herbert SCHAMBECK- UniversitAA�t Johannes Kepler Linz, Austria
Professor Ph.D. Rainer ARNOLD - UniversitAA�t Regensburg, Deutschland/Germany
Professor Ph.D. Dumitru BALTAG, Free International University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova
Professor Ph.D. Anton- Florin BOTA - MOISIN - University of Pitesti, Romania
Professor Ph.D.. Sevastian CERCEL, University of Craiova, Romania
Professor Ph.D. Eugen CHELARU - University of Pitesti, Romania
Professor Ph.D. Cristina Hermida DEL LLANO- Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spania
Professor Ph.D. Ionel DIDEA - University of Pitesti, Romania
Professor Ph.D. Mihail GHEORGITA, Free International University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova
Professor Ph.D. Paula-Odete FERNANDES- Instituto PolitAA�cnico de BraganAA�a, Portugal
Professor Ph.D. Bianca PREDESCU- University of Craiova, Romania
Senior Lecturer Ph.D. Ioan GANFALEAN - 1 decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania
Senior Lecturer Ph.D.Ilioara GENOIU - University Valahia of Targoviste, Romania
Senior Lecturer Ph.D. Livia MOCANU - University Valahia of Targoviste, Romania
Senior Lecturer Ph.D. Maria ORLOV - Institute of Administrative Sciences of Moldova, Republic of Moldova
Senior Lecturer Ph.D. Ion RISTEA- University of Pitesti, Romania
Senior Lecturer Ph.D. Andreea TABACU- University of Pitesti, Romania
Senior Lecturer Ph.D. Elise VILCU- University of Pitesti, Romania
Lecturer Ph.D. Andreea DRAGHICI - University of Pitesti, Romania

Senior Lecturer Ph.D. Bianca DABU - University of Pitesti, Romania
Lecturer Ph.D. Carmina ALECA - University of Pitesti, Romania
Lecturer Ph.D. Daniela IANCU - University of Pitesti, Romania
Lecturer Ph.D. Olivian MASTACAN - University Valahia of Targoviste, Romania
Lecturer Ph.D. Florina MITROFAN- University of Pitesti, Romania
Lecturer Ph.D. Carmen NENU - University of Pitesti, Romania
Lecturer Ph.D. Lavinia OLAH - University of Pitesti, Romania
Lecturer Ph.D. Candidate Ioana POPA - University Valahia of Targoviste, Romania
Lecturer Ph.D. Doina POPESCU - University of Pitesti, Romania
Lecturer Ph.D. Sorina SERBAN - BARBU - University of Pitesti, Romania
Assistant Ph.D. Ramona DUMINICA - University of Pitesti, Romania
Assistant Ph.D. Adriana PIRVU - University of Pitesti, Romania
Assistant Ph.D. Andra PURAN - University of Pitesti, Romania
Assistant Ph.D. Amelia SINGH - University of Pitesti, Romania
Assistant Ph.D. Candidate Emilian BULEA - University Valahia of Targoviste, Romania
Assistant Ph.D. Candidate Dan GUNA - University Valahia of Targoviste, Romania

- March 1 - deadline for submitting registration form
- April 10 - deadline for submitting full papers
- May 5 - notification of papers acceptance
- May 10 - deadline for confirming the fee payment
- May 15 - programme display on the web page

Participation fee is 35 euro/ paper (or its equivalent in LEI). The fee will be paid in the IBAN bank account of Amicii Scientiae Association, under the title ``Participation fee for the International Scientific Conference organized by University of Pitesti, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, with the topic ``History, Culture, Citizenship in the European Union``, section Public Law/Private Law (by case):
- Author / group of authors will receive a portfolio containing: the conference programme, the certificate of attendance, a printed brochure containing the abstracts and the electronic version of the volume on CD-ROM containing in extenso papers, with ISSN, edited by a NCSR accredited publishing house;
- Transportation and accommodation costs are not covered by the fee.
- The papers will be written in English and Romanian and will be accompanied by a brief abstract (maximum 10 lines) and 3-5 keywords in English.
- Each author/collective of authors will be notified by e-mail about the Scientific Committees acceptance/non-acceptance.
- The confirmation of payment will be faxed at the telephone number 0040/348.453.400 or e-mailed at [email protected])

- Borders: 5.5 cm bottom, 5.5 cm top, 4 cm right/ left.
- The paper will be written entirely in Times New Roman, single-spaced.
- The title of the paper will be centered, BOLD, SIZE 14.
- Author`s/authors name(s) will be written two lines below the title, in the right margin of the page, SIZE 12.
- The abstract: a short presentation of the paper will be made in English, two lines below the authoraa��a��s/authorsaa��a�� name(s), ITALIC, SIZE 10.
- The text of the paper will be written two lines below the abstract, SIZE 12, JUSTIFY and will be structured as follows:
- Introduction
- The content of the paper may include sections with a well-defined title. The titles of different sections or chapters will be written using CAPS-LOCK, BOLD, SIZE 12, in the left margin of the page.
- Conclusion(s) - max. 15 lines
- The list of references should be displayed at the end of the paper, in alphabetical order by authors` names, structured as follows: Treatises, courses, monographs [author, title of the book (italics), publishing house, city, year of publication], Scientific Articles [author, title of the article (italics), journalaa��a��s number and year of publication], Legislation, web pages.
-References in the text should be inserted as footnotes: the authoraa��a��s name (name, surname), the title of the work (italic) - volume (book, symposium, journal), publishing house, city, publishing year, pages or other official quoting version (Harvard, Oxford, etc.). The abbreviation of the pages is ``p.`` for a single page or ``pp.`` for a sequence of pages. The Latin abbreviations (idem, op. cit., ibid. etc.) should be italicized. Each bibliographic entrance is followed by a full stop.
-Final bibliography should be in the following order: treaties, courses, monographs; scientific articles; Legislation, Web pages.
- Papers containing scanned documents will not be published.


- Friday, 23 May 2014, C1 Conference Hall, Republicii Avenue, no. 71
900 - 1000- Guests reception
1000 - 1050 - Festive Opening - Rector`s address and welcome messages on behalf of the local administration representatives
1100 - 1200 - Plenary Session
1200 - 1220- - Coffee Break
1220 - 1400 - Works in sections
1400 - 1530 - Lunch Break
1530- 1800 - Works in sections
2000 - Festive Dinner

- Saturday, 24 May 2014, C1 Conference Hall, Republicii Avenue, no. 71
09:00-11:30 - Works in sections
11:30-12:00- Closing of the Conference
Social programme

Registration form

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